SHOCK as a military officer (In PHOTOs) takes his own life using an AK-47 rifle at Eldoret Barracks - Read the suicide note that he left on Facebook

Tuesday, January 4, 2024 - The military police unit is investigating circumstances under which a military officer in the rank of a Corporal committed suicide on Monday mid-morning inside the 9KR Barracks in Eldoret.

Cpl Wycliffe Kellem Mukhwana shot himself dead with an AK-47 rifle at around 11 am while inside the 9KR signal changing room.

Before his death, he had been deployed for guard duties on Sunday.

Wycliffe left a suicide note on his Facebook page citing a series of frustrations from ranking seniors within his operation barracks in Eldoret.

He cited being denied a pass and access to a loan facility by the seniors failing to sign his papers.

He had planned to shoot one of the senior military officers 6 times before he took his own life.

The Military Police Unit is undertaking investigations into the suicide note and circumstances of the officer taking his own life.

Below is a post of the suicide note that he left on Facebook.


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