Thursday, January 30, 2025 - A judge has slammed a woman who admitted to sending videos of her farting to her boyfriend’s ex.
Rhiannon Evans, 25, is believed to be the first person to
ever face charges for cyber-farting.
She sent the videos to Deborah Prytherech who said the
videos caused her distress and anxiety.
In court, prosecutor Diane Williams described how Evans
"proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the
She sent three videos on December 22 and another four over
the next few days, including on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
Each of them showed "Miss Evans passing wind, her face
smiling at the camera."
Police got wind of what had happened and they followed
through by arresting her and hauling her before the courts in Caernarfon.
The reason she gave for farting at her boyfriend's ex was
that she felt her partner was being treated unfairly by his ex.
Harriet Gorst, defending, said: "There are some issues
going on between Miss Evans’s partner and his ex-partner (Ms Prytherech) with
regard to child contact.
"At the time she sent these videos she had some drinks
and she sent them, understanding now this has caused the victim some distress.
She sent them without malicious intent."
Mrs Williams added: "It was purely malicious. She was
smirking throughout, found it hilarious but the victim didn’t."
Evans’ ventosity ended up costing her nearly £300, including
£100 compensation for her victim and £199 for court costs.
In a victim statement read to the court, Ms Prytherch said
she "would like to feel safe in my home".
Evans will also have to carry out 15 rehabilitation sessions
for her sphincter whistles and must abstain from alcohol for two months.
She was also given a two-year restraining order preventing
her from contacting her victim.